Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Gotta fix my Cat Leaps - This is top PK priority! -David

so I have changed how I do my cat leaps, for the worse.

I dont know if I'm compensating for my sprained wrist or what but yesterday and today when I go to do a big cat leap I turn my hips and feet right before i hit the wall, so I am not able to absorb with my feet. It could be that Marcus is trying to show me the way he does a cat leap and the unfamiliarness of it causes my body to panic? It could be that my body is trying to protect my wrist? It could be that I'm scared to jump that far since it has been a while before the last time i trained cat leaps?  It could be that Im just a big pussy. I dont know, all I know is its needs to get fixed because It hurts to slam into the wall.

Heres a couple of videos

hear me say "ouch"

Hold your head sideways 

but see how my feet arent straight? both of those were really huge catleaps BTW.

So being aware of my crooked legged-ness I was trying to correct what I was doing wrong but heres the thing. I tried. I told me body to land with my feet perpendicular to the wall. Does my body listen? no. at the very last second i turn my hips. It happened over and over again till Marcus and I ran into Jan and David and I went to show them what I was doing wrong and asked for input. Well that time everything worked out great except my knee cap hit the wall and went "thud" everybody was like 'that sounded like it hurt' and i was like 'yeah, but look at my feet. They're where they are supposed to be! So the very last cat leap of the day was a good one, the best one ive done since my injury : )

So the goal for me for the rest of the week (hopefully it doesnt take any more time than that) and train nothing but cat leaps. trying to focus specifically on keeping my hips square. I am going to ignore the way the Marcus feels is better and go back to my stagger-step Yamakasi break technique. HOPEFULLY that will fix everything. I wasnt doing this before.

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