Thursday, March 31, 2011

Supplemental Workouts for Chan

Heres Chan's workout to supplement the leg workout Ive written for her. Its targeted towards her Butt (I know, right?) Back and Abs.

It is a timed workout, an alarm should be set to go off every :35 seconds. The workout is to be performed on the days off from the leg workout (odd weeks - tues/thursday. Even weeks - mon/fri) the exercises are to be done in the order Ive listed. There are breaks built into the workout, please try your best and only rest during the break time.

The chart is set up for the first week.
Week 2 - you go through the exercises twice
Week 3 - once through, exercises now last 1 minute
Week 4 - twice through, exercises last 1 minute
Week 5 - once through, exercises now last 1:30
Week 6 - twice through, exercises last 1:30

Explosive Lunges:30
Donkey Kicks (L/R):30/:30
Hip Bridge:30
Side Plank:30
Bird Dog (L/R):30/:30
Butt Raises:30
Frog Butt Raises:30
Flutter Kicks:30
Hollow Hold:30
Full Sit-ups:30
Bridge Dips:30

If you need an extra :35 rest, you may do so once during the workout.

You should place a towel underneith your yoga mat to help protect your knees and tailbone.
You should know how to do squats, lunges but ill try to explain and find pictures for the other ones.

Explosive lunges: Being careful not to hit your knees, go into a lunge and explode out and switch legs in the air.

Donkey Kicks:  get in doggystyle, pull your knee in and kick it back out, slow and controlled. dont alternate legs, do :30 on each side.

Hip Bridge:  hips up, hips down. slow and controlled

Bird Dog:   alternating leg/arm in the air, static :30 hold
Starfish:  Now this one is a little hard to find a picture for, its one of my exercises. you lay on your stomach with your arms and legs spread out like a starfish. squeeze your butt and pull your legs and arms into the air so that only your torso is touching the ground.

Butt Raises: lie on your stomach, cross your arms and lay on them like a pillow. squeeze your butt and lift your legs up into the air, then back down, then back up... KEEPING your legs as straight as possible.

Frog Butt Raises: same exact idea as butt raises but instead of keeping your legs straight you bend your knees 90*

Flutter Kicks: exact same position as butt raises. bring your feet into the air and kick them like your swimming.

Hollow hold: on your back, lift your legs and shoulders off the ground a few inches and hold. If you remember from the ab workout we did its position "2"

Bridge Dips: so you go into whats called a table which is like a crab walk position and your pushing your hips towards the ceiling, engageing your abs and butt as much as you can, bend your arms and "dip" to the floor and then press back up.

That should cover the back and butt exercises. dont worry you will get to rest on the weekends, your arm workout wont be very hard, itll just be a few exercises and they are all, one set-max reps, so it doesnt take very long . Ill have it written before monday. Thats when we start!

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