Sunday, April 17, 2011

Taking a break

Sadly to say my wrist hasn't been healing. My left wrist, my right wrist feels fine with very very little discomfort at all, is still very uncomfortable when ever it is used. So i have decided to take a complete break from the technical side of parkour to try to allow my wrist to heal. The reason being for this is not because i "use" it while i train, I'm very aware and able to train around having to use my wrist, but its because of the self preservation instinct that's built inside us. if i fall, even a small one, the likelihood that ill use my left hand as a brace is too great. It has been too frustrating not being able to demonstrate techniques that i'm trying to explain and show off my baller handstand skills. not to mention my favorite moves since i started have been the wall spin and the palm spin and i haven't been able to do them in almost 2 months. Im hoping this sabbatical will allow my wrist to heal enough before american rendezvous 2 because i decided i will be going and instead be blowing off the london rendezvous that i so badly wanted to go to. : (

BUT....i bit of good news! I was able to fix my cat leap so that im not hitting the wall all crooked out and stuff. check out this cat leap i did for you. This was way up high in that tree! like way up high! playground leap

Monday, April 4, 2011

Quick reference stretching chart.

Hold each stretch for 5 or 6 deep breaths (25-30sec) as you exhale go a little deeper into the stretch

This are listed in the order I do them in, I find it to be easiest this way.

Forward Bend:
standing straight up inhale and reach for the ceiling, exhale and reach for your toes

Cross-legged forward bend:
Cross one leg in front of the other and reach for your toes. switch legs and repeat

Sitting Hip Bend:
Sitting down on your booty, point your toes and bend from the hips. stretch forward only a few inches. 

Sitting Forward Bend:
Sitting on your booty, point your toes and bend from your back. reach for your ankles.

Half Hurdler:
On your booty, pull one foot into your groin and reach down the other leg. If you bring your left leg in, reach across with your left arm

Cross-legged back stretch:
Sitting on your bum cross one leg over the knee of the other, place your elbow to your knee and look behind you.

Open Hurdler:
Sitting forward, bring one leg behind you to form a right angle at your groin.
NOTE: you can touch your heel to your butt, like in the picture, or you can have your knee bent at a right angle. Its personal preference

Dead Man Stretch:
In open hurdler position bend the straight leg to a right angle and lean forward over your thigh.
NOTE: you can bring your heels in, like in the picture, or you can have them both bent at 90*

Cross Arm Shoulder Stretch:
Sitting down with your legs straight out, take your arm and pull it across your chest

Tricep Stretch:
Pull one arm over your head and down your back, grab the elbow with the other hand and pull down
Wall Calf Stretch:
Put your toes up against the wall and lean in

Roof passageways and Demon drops -David

Started out Saturday morning training with Will and some nerds near the Dog and Duck Pub on 17th because waterloo park was closed for some event. Sucked. This other spot is OK but other than a couple of cat leaps there isn't really much I can do with my wrist in their current condition. My cat leaps feel like they have gotten better but my toes on my right foot still really really hurt from the botched cat leaps I was doing earlier this week.

So after we warmed up Ben and Will and I headed up to the top of the adjacent parking garage and found some really cool (Scary) passageways from the edge of the parking garage to the neighboring building. Its really hard to explain. I wish I would've taken a picture but I was'nt thinking about it at the time. But try to imagine between these two parking garages there were some pipes, that ran at a diagonal, and they served as like a platform that we could lower down to and then jump down back into the garage a level lower. Anyways if you cant picture it, just picture a scary passage from one building to another. Ben did it first, then me, but Will thought the risk far outweighed the awsomeness. Will is a cautious cat. He said he'd do it next time. We shall see.

So after playing around in the parking garage for an hour or so we decided to take the M3 and head down to san marcos for Open Gym. I spent friday evening with Marcus and we were talking about what we were wanting to train at gym. I mentioned that the last time I was at open gym I really wanted to attempt a demon drop but when I got up on the bars I was just way to scared to ever let go of the bar. I asked him for some , "help" now, "help" from Marcus means he will berate you and call you names untill you man up and do what he says. Its not a very good way of teaching, but it does get results. : ) anyways, so after I stretch, Marcus and I wonder over to the bars todo some demon drops.

A demon drop is a silly manuever that is executed from a cat hang. You pull up with your arms and drive your butt as high as you can get it, release the bar, and use the momentum generated from your butt drive to continue rotation into a front flip. If it sounds terrifying, thats because it is. I'm not usually scared of much, because Im a manly man, but this had me about to pee my pants. I didnt even want to climb up onto the perch and when i did, I immediatly climbed right back down saying "ah, hell no". so after spending some time with Thomas and Levi explaining to me what exactly I was going to be doing and gave me a few drills to get myself comfortable with the motion and the execution of the inward flip. Levi was having me do "loser" flips, which are front flips but they travel backwards. It is similar to what we called a "cut-away" flip back when i was on the diving team, you jump backwards and duck your chest down and flip. So I went off and practiced the Loser flips for probably 45 min, and then Thomas had me do this butt driving drill. I'd stand about 6" away from the wall, with my arms up, jump, and lightly tap the wall as high as i could while looking down at my feet to make sure they stayed 6" from the wall. What this does is because you are looking down your hips will come out and up. This got me comfortable with the feeling of driving your hips and the loser flip got me comfortable with flipping inward. As a result,
*whew, I did it! I let go of the bar! This was scary! To this date this is the scariest thing I've ever done. In fact, after the second succesful attempt, my body was shaking from all the adrenaline and I had to stop training and stretch untill the end of gym. : )

Here I am being less of a Poon 

I will continue to train the Demon Drop untill I am no longer scared!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Imagination Is Everything

Parkour vision develops

I live a relatively monotonous life, with a splash of color. I noticed this Saturday (April 02) that parkour is intertwining into my daily life a bit more. I was at tech crew 10am-9:20pm, throughout the building and the painting I found ways to practice some pre-parkour developments. To name a bit there was Q.M., landing with both feet, precisions, and just flow. The involvement with my environment was quite spectacular and made the time fly. Previously tech to me was just a way to exhibit habits of a work-a-holic, but now I think my time at tech will just become another playground to challenge me.
*Yellow miss